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How to improve performance and sustainability of automotive weather seals

The rapid shift to electrified mobility is accompanied by greater awareness of the need for more sustainable mobility. Dynamic and semi-dynamic weather seals are large, heavy applications; improving the sustainability of these parts has a positive effect on the carbon footprint of the entire vehicle.

As the automotive industry accelerates towards advanced mobility, the importance of sustainable practices has never been more critical. Notably, the construction of dynamic and semi-dynamic weather seals - though essential - contributes significantly to the weight and, consequently, the carbon footprint of vehicles. Recognizing this, we are committed to exploring and adopting more sustainable materials that do not compromise on performance.

On 11 July 2024, Celanese holds an upcoming webinar that delves into the transformative shift from thermoset EPDM to thermoplastic vulcanizates, specifically Santoprene® TPV, for these crucial applications. This change not only exemplifies their dedication to reducing vehicles' environmental impact but also aligns with the economic and performance goals that drive the industry forward.

In this webinar, Celanese will cover:

  • The compelling reasons behind the shift towards more sustainable materials, focusing on performance, economic benefits, and, importantly, environmental impact.
  • How the adoption of Santoprene® TPV contributes to a significant reduction in the carbon footprint of our vehicle fleet without sacrificing quality or performance.
  • An introduction to a new TPV solution that promises even more substantial sustainability advantages for automotive applications.

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Bjørn Thorsen A/S
Søholm Park 1
2900 Hellerup
Gentofte Kommune
VAT nummer: DK89810418


Bo Norman
Sales Manager

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