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HEXPOL TPE Webinar: Soft, Safe & Sustainable TPE Materials For E&E Applications

Join HEXPOL TPE’s material specialists on Wednesday, 3rd July for a dive into what’s possible with Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE) for E&E applications.

Many plastic materials used for electrical and electronics applications are rather hard and stiff (e.g. PA, PBT, PP). But what if you need a soft and flexible material to meet functional sealing or haptic design requirements?

Join HEXPOL TPE’s material specialists on Wednesday, 3rd July for a 45-minute dive into what’s possible with Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE).

 In this session you'll learn about:

  • What are the types of soft polymer materials
  • How to choose the right TPE for your E&E part
  • Tackling adhesion challenges in 2K moulding
  • How to reduce your product’s carbon footprint by shifting from virgin/fossil sources

You’ll also learn how TPEs are used for:

  • Cables & Cable connectors, cleats, and grommets
  • Electromobility infrastructure and charging plugs
  • Electrical wall sockets and distribution boxes
  • Electrical housing and device gaskets in industrial applications

Basically, if you work in E&E and want to boost your materials knowledge, this webinar is for you.

👉 Register here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/d6d1037a-a0a0-41bc-b97d-8790efb362a1@7019f241-4a75-47e2-8278-b00e16386f33

👉 or visit https://www.hexpol.com/tpe/

Box 51
662 22 Åmål
Åmåls kommun
VAT nummer: SE5561915777


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